Interior, Lifestyle Photographer in Tenerife and Canary Islands: (+34) 680 878 674

Two last months updates

Hey guys, so I thought it'd be nice to explain / reveal a little what I've been upto within the last two+ months of a total neglect of this blog, lol.. here we come! I have...

1. Worked with new people and photographed some really nice properties - very grateful for it..🙏🏽 😍 

1. Corrected Edu's website link in the last post from over two months ago 😜 🙈

2. Have been running and exercising at home, overdid abs and f***d up my lower back a bit 🏆🗿

3. Worked for Volkswagen latest campaign (I did a teeny-weeny part but still, hehe)) where walked 10km per day for almost a week

4. Spent a few beautiful, warm nights in the hot south of Tenerife due to lack of traveling

5. Hiked in Anaga (nicer photos to follow! 🍑 😂 )

6. Renovated/ fixed our both terraces (both are still in process though.. 🙄 😬 )

7. Restored (?) an old IKEA dining table with some pieces of broken tiles (..still can’t feel part of my right wrist because of that though..))

8. Did a few corporate and female portrait sessions (the corporate ones were published in a few issues of ‘Norwegian’ magazine & Canarian Weekly newspaper)

9. Went to Madrid and did my first Covid test (negative)

10. Freaked out with what’s going on in Israel / Palestine ... Hamas is a terrorist organization that simply should not exhist... so #FreePalestineFromHamas , and  #IStandWithIsrael , and always have, so - sorry and goodbye to those of you who disagree) 🇮🇱 ✊🏼 ❤️‍ 

11. Worked in one of THE most secluded and gorgeous, hidden places in Tenerife. Must go back with no agenda apart from just relaxed trekking to fully appreciate its beauty!

12. Freaked out again with the huge (>3000 hectares) fire in Tenerife, Arico area.. Praying for the rain now 🙏 😔

13. Neutralized  Neutered our little Joey who’s name had ought to be Pirata / Monster / UsamaBinMeow hehehe - he is very, very naughty at times... [🏴] ‍☠️ 

14. Worked in a weirdest place on the other Canary island (not giving names and locations, just these few little hints.. but perhaps who knows Canaries will understand what place I’m talking about)

15. Went up to Teide to see trajinaste in bloom, almost called it ‘fackinaste’  a day but then spotted a few + witnessed amazing sunset as a bonus! See my previous post about it 🌵 🌺 🌄

16. Finally bought some new books in Madrid, started reading the first one only to realize that I’ve seen the series already (Swedish author based novel ‘Quick sand’), cause before I was only buying magazines about interior& architecture and looked like that girl in SATC (‘I’m really very literary. I’ll sit down and read a whole magazine, from cover to cover’...)))

17. Booked Ibiza & Formentera trip 💃 🕺🛵 🎊 🏖

18. Finished watching ‘The Serpent’ aka ‘backpackers’ (?!)) series on Netflix.. *Janice’s voice from ‘Friends’ 

19.  And speaking of "Friends" btw.. Really excited to see Friends: Reunion (aaaah !) and to finish my suffering together with June Osborn (for how much longer?!..) from the ‘Handmaids tale’ already !! Xxx